Hi, I’m Sam.
I’m a UX designer & artist located in Phoenix, AZ. I work on product, interaction, web, brand, and packaging design. I balance my loyalties to a high bar for both visual design and a deep user empathy.
At the moment, my toolkit includes:
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Figma
- After Effects
- InDesign
However, at my core, I am curiosity-driven. I am constantly learning, expanding, and incorporating anything I can get my hands on into my workflow.
I am a staunch believer in approaching everything from a multi-disciplinary lens. It is key to developing creative outcomes, and making impact in an ever-mercurial tech climate. Everything can be an answer. Boxing myself in was never on the table!
My work portfolio is available here, and if you have any questions or commission requests, you can contact me by email.